
[zerojudge] a450: 棒棒糖比身高

from sys import stdin
import bisect
# 請參考 https://docs.python.org/3/library/bisect.html

n, q = map(int, stdin.readline().split())
f = sorted([int(x) for x in stdin.readline().split()])
# 先排序
# 例如  8 5 10 11 8 會排序成 5 8 8 10 11
# 考慮到會有重複的元素
# 使用 bisect.bisect_left  取左邊位置
#      bisect.bisect_right 取右邊位置
for _ in range(q):
    a, b = map(int, stdin.readline().split())
    a = bisect.bisect_left(f, a)
    b = bisect.bisect_right(f, b)
    r = b - a
    if(r): print(r)
    else: print('The candies are too short')


[zerojudge] a121: 質數又來囉

from sys import stdin 

def isPrime(n):
    參考 http://www.csie.ntnu.edu.tw/~u91029/Prime.html
    if(n == 1): return 0
    # 傳進來的 n 都已經過濾過,底下這 3 行先 mark 起來
    #if(n in (2, 3)): return 1
    #if(n % 2 == 0): return 0
    #if(n%6 not in [1,5]): return 0
    u = n - 1
    t = 0
    while(u % 2 == 0):
        u >>= 1
        t += 1
    sprp = [2, 7, 61]
    for sk in sprp:
        a = sk % n
        if (a == 0 or a == 1 or a == n-1): continue
        x = pow(a, u, n)
        if (x == 1 or x == n-1): continue
        for i in range(t-1):
            x = pow(x, 2, n)
            if (x == 1): return 0
            if (x == n-1): break
        if (x != n-1): return 0
    return 1

for s in stdin:
    a, b = map(int, s.split())
    r = 0
    k = a//6
    v = 1
        for n in (k*6+1, k*6+5):
            # 為了節省時間,只檢測 6p+1, 6p-1
            # 其實除了 5 以外, 5 的倍數也不必測
            if(n < a): continue
            if(n > b): # 超過上界
                v = 0            
            r += isPrime(n)
        k += 1
    if(a <= 2 and b >= 2): r += 1
    if(a <= 3 and b >= 3): r += 1
    # 上面的檢測會遺漏 2, 3 在這裡補


[zerojudge] d984: 棄保效應

from sys import stdin

op = 'ABC'
for s in stdin:
    f = [[i, int(c)] for i, c in enumerate(s.split())]
    f.sort(key = lambda z: z[1])
    t = f.pop(0)
    f[0][1] += t[1]
    f.sort(key = lambda z: -z[1])


[zerojudge] a091: 今晚打老虎

import sys, bisect
你如果把每個值都塞到 list
list 太長造成每個 insert , sort , pop 都很耗時
可以用一個 dict 來記錄每個值出現的次數
f = []   # 要維護的 list
d = {}   # 記錄每個值出現的次數
for s in sys.stdin:
    if(s == '2\n'): # Query MAX
        p = f[-1]
        d[p] -= 1  
        if(d[p] == 0): f.pop()
        計數為零才 pop()
    elif(s == '3\n'): # Query MIN
        p = f[0]
        d[p] -= 1
        if(d[p] == 0): f.pop(0)
        計數為零才 pop(0)
    else: # Insert
        t = int(s.replace('1 ',''))
        if(d.__contains__(t)): d[t] += 1
        else: d[t] = 1
        計數不存在時設為 1
        反之加 1
        if(d[t] == 1):
            bisect.insort_left(f, t)
        如為新成員才 insert
        利用 bisect.insort_left = insert and sort


[zerojudge] e974: 2. 座位安排 (Seats)

from sys import stdin 
from collections import deque
r, c, n = map(int, stdin.readline().split())
h = deque([deque([x for x in range(i,i+c)]) for i in range(1, r*c+1, c)])
n -= 1
odd = even = n//2
even += n%2
h.rotate(odd % r)
for u in h:
    u.rotate(even % c)
    u = list(map(str, u))
    print(' '.join(u))